Cast: Dan Lukas

Director: Liis Nimik
Cinematographer: Madis Reimund

Sound design and music: Indrek Soe
Idea: Kätlin Kaganovitsh/Maria Silla/Liis Nimik
Producer: Liis Nimik

Co-production with MTÜ Ruum
Short documentary
52 min / color / HD / 2014

Premiere: 2014 Estonian National Broadcast

Belongs to Klara Films library
The Story of a Granary

In the summer of 2014 a film as shot to enliven some of the philosophy behind the restoration of old log buildings. We were haunted by the question of what could be done without excessive reconstruction, huge spendings or false moves done in a rush. Drawing on the example of an old granary on Saaremaa island The Story of a Granary was made. Woven with psychedelic interludes it follows the work done there during five days. The camera observes closely the building being freed from things collected and stored there over time, analysis of the situation, peeling of the ground, repairing and replacing logs and realigning stone walls. In the process of it all crafter Dan Lukas shares his thought and craft. Overall the film tries to recall some of the age-old wisdom and strives to create the sense that a lot can be done by one’s own with tools found in everyday household to sustain heritage and the environment.